Sunday, 25 February 2018

Working with others

We've been exploring a few ways to be the best kind of classmate in Room 1 that we can be by working well with others.

Here are some ideas we've talked about:
- Leaving our space better than we found it.
- Sharing the things in the classroom.
- Being kind to one another.
- Listening to the person who is talking.
- Putting up a quiet hand if we have something to say.
- Taking turns and being patient when we're waiting for our turn.

During cooperative games we need to take turns, be patient, use our manners,
share, chat and have fun together.

During news sharing, we are working on looking at and listening to our classmates,
asking questions, and understanding others.

1 comment:

  1. Jordan looks happy sharing his knowledge about Hulk :)
