Monday, 3 September 2018


To start our learning into statistics we begun by sorting things into categories and describe what the we found out about the categories. 

We then explored what a statistical investigation is. I posed a question to the class, we collected data and analysed the data. We discovered that the children would like to be read their story twice a day, both at the start and end of the day so the appropriate changes were made to our class timetable. 

Singaporean art influences Part 1

We have been looking into the main influences of the Singaporean art culture.
So far we have looked at the Malay style of building scapes and the Chinese style based around nature. 
The children have been working hard to refine their observational drawing skills by looking carefully at what they see and drawing the main shapes before adding some shading to create dimension. 

I'm so impressed with the work they are producing so far! 
If you're free, come in and have a look through our art books. 

Here are a few of the master pieces so far. 

Mixing paint with household items

As part of our inquiry into colours and what happened when we mixed them, we explored what would happen when we mixed them with things other than paint.

After we discussed what happened with the paint and ingredients, it was important to see how the paint dried. This is what we found out.